X motivates users to join the Community

13:46 17/05/2024

2 minutes of reading

Social network X (formerly Twitter) has just updated the “Communities” feature with many improvements. Communities allow users to connect with others around topics of interest. Each community has a separate space and timeline for people to post and discuss.

X motivates users to join the Community - Techlade

The main goal of this update is to connect more X users together. Users can freely post about a specific topic and comment on other posts in the community.

Communities play an important role in increasing the value of X. With the huge amount of data collected from communities, X can provide useful information, similar to the Reddit platform. Currently, data on Reddit is only available to paid users, providing a significant source of income for the platform. While it’s unknown whether X’s Community will reach the scale of Reddit, this update will certainly help X collect more data.

The new update makes it easier for users to discover trending communities through a separate “Explore” tab in the Communities section. In addition, X also recommends communities that are suitable for users on the timeline, helping to attract more users to participate. Users can also search communities by topic. After joining the community, users can sort posts by popularity.

In the future, X will add community analysis features for managers, live chat rooms (Community Spaces) and advanced management tools.

Overall, encouraging users to join the Community will help X provide more data to Grok – xAI’s AI chatbot. This is a win-win strategy for both X and xAI, as X can provide Grok access to paid users, while xAI benefits from widespread distribution of Grok through this old Twitter platform.

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