TikTok tested allowing video uploads of up to 60 minutes, competing directly with YouTube

15:05 17/05/2024

2 minutes of reading

TikTok is testing a feature that allows users to upload 60-minute videos. The feature is currently only available to certain users in some markets, and TikTok said it has no plans to expand the feature in the near future.

TikTok tests allowing video uploads of up to 60 minutes, competing directly with YouTube - Techlade

This is a significant change from TikTok’s original format. At launch, the app only allowed users to upload 15-second videos, but TikTok has gradually increased this limit over the past few years. Although famous for its short video format, TikTok is gradually moving towards longer content to compete with one of its biggest rivals, YouTube.

TikTok says that in addition to creators being able to combine multi-part stories by guiding viewers to parts two or more of a story, they also often hear from creators who want more time More space for content like cooking tutorials, beauty tutorials, educational lectures, comedy skits, etc.

According to TikTok, the purpose of increasing video length is to give creators the opportunity to test new types of content or expand existing content with more flexibility. Of course, this also makes TikTok compete more directly with YouTube. By allowing creators to upload 60-minute videos on TikTok, the company can hope to attract creators who regularly post their content to YouTube to also post their videos to its platform.

The expanded time limits could also allow for a new type of content to be posted on TikTok, complete TV episodes.

Last year, Peacock made episode one of “Killing It” free to watch on TikTok, but it was divided into five parts. If TikTok launches a 60-minute video upload feature, networks will no longer have to split an episode into parts.

Many networks now post the first episode of a TV show on YouTube to attract new viewers, and with this expanded time limit, they can do the same on TikTok as well. Networks are already using TikTok to reach viewers, and expanded upload time limits could encourage them to share more content on the platform.

While not everyone enjoys watching longer content on TikTok, the company has been looking at ways to improve the viewing experience for users watching long-form content. For example, the company has been testing landscape full-screen mode and fast-scrolling video thumbnails. They also launched a feature last year that allows you to fast-forward a video by holding on to the right side of the video.

As with any experimental feature, it’s unclear when or if TikTok plans to launch a widespread 60-minute video upload option.

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