Reddit’s rewards system is back

15:26 17/05/2024

2 minutes of reading

The social network Reddit has just announced the restoration of its reward system after being discontinued last year. Accordingly, most of the old methods will be retained, along with some new features. For example, the rewards interface is redesigned, a reward button appears under eligible posts, and a ranking of the most valuable rewards for comments or posts.

Reddit's rewards system is back - Techlade

Earlier this month, Reddit revealed its intention to bring back a rewards program in its first earnings report as a public company.

Previously, Reddit stopped providing rewards and the ability to buy virtual currency (coins) for users. Instead, they introduced “Golden Upvotes” – a direct cash reward feature. However, according to Reddit, this system is ineffective.

Reddit's rewards system is back - Techlade

“Golden Upvotes is simple, but lacks the richness and excitement of the old system. Recipients also do not know what benefits the reward brings,” shared a representative of this social network.

Users who want to reward posts and comments need to buy “gold”, replacing the previous virtual currency. According to the support page, each reward is usually worth between 15 and 50 gold. Users can purchase gold packages ranging from $1.99 for 100 gold to $49.99 for 2,750 gold on Reddit’s mobile app.

In addition, Reddit also added protections to the rewards system, such as disabling the feature in content communities that are inappropriate for people under 18, drug addiction support groups, and others. other sensitive topics. Additionally, users can report rewards to avoid having the content removed by management.

Last year, Reddit launched a community rewards program for users in the US, paying helpful contributors. With the latest announcement, this program is expanded to 35 more countries.

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