Autodesk acquired startup Wonder Dynamics, applying AI to visual effects

09:17 22/05/2024

3 minutes of reading

Autodesk, the company best known for its 3D tools, has acquired Wonder Dynamics, a startup that helps creators easily create complex characters and visual effects using artificial intelligence. The two companies have cooperated closely for many years but only now officially announced the deal.

Autodesk acquires startup Wonder Dynamics, applying AI to visual effects - Techlade

Wonder Dynamics , founded by visual effects artist Nikola Todorovic and actor Tye Sheridan, essentially makes adding motion-captured animated characters to movies as simple as dragging an icon onto a performer.

But Wonder Studio, as their flagship engine is called, was never just a game, even if it could be used as such. With many years of experience in the film industry, the co-founders were clear from the start that this was a tool for professionals, offering all the mocap, animation and detail masking features that VFX people need to do their jobs.

They were careful to say that the goal is to empower creators, not replace them.

Techlade reported on the company’s launch in 2021, when it was still operating undercover after raising $2.5 million. They raised another $10 million later that year and eventually grew Wonder Studio into a fully cloud-hosted web platform.

As the supplier of Maya, one of the most powerful and durable tools in 3D film and media production, Autodesk certainly took notice of Wonder Dynamics.

“We did an integration with Maya last year, a plug-in, so you can simplify that process in the character studio. Maya has been the industry-leading software for decades, so We wanted to make it easier for those users. We started talking to them, and it just happened,” Todorovic told Techlade.

“We’ve tried to bridge the old with the new, making possible what’s possible in workflows that artists already use, and this collaboration is the perfect example of that,” added Sheridan. ”

The problem with AI in media, from film to advertising to music, stems from misconceptions about both technology and art from both perspectives.

Autodesk acquires startup Wonder Dynamics, applying AI to visual effects - Techlade

“There are new tools and a new wave of AI coming, but I think many of them underestimate what artists need to do and how hard they need to work,” Todorovic said. I come from this field. Tye and I are both artists; we did this to allow artists to do things that they couldn’t do before. Because we don’t want to see a future that artists aren’t involved, aren’t consulted – to me, that’s not filmmaking. Autodesk deeply understands this is an iterative, collaborative process.”

“People have this definitive idea that we’re going to start making movies with AI, but I think the people who come to these conclusions don’t really understand the industry or they don’t understand the limitations of the technologies,” said Sheridan. Using them as a complementary part of the process is key – learning what’s possible where and how to close the gap.”

Both founders will join Autodesk along with all employees; Todorovic said he doesn’t expect any changes in the short term and any changes that do appear should only be positive for users. “That’s the thing about startups: You have to choose what to do, what direction to go in,” due to lack of resources. Autodesk’s acquisition will allow them to accelerate and expand, although they declined to suggest any specific direction.

Other requests for details, such as the terms of the deal, were politely rebuffed. When I asked Autodesk about the acquisition, Diana Colella, Executive Vice President of Entertainment & Media Solutions, emphasized that the company fits into their existing strategy.

In an email, Diana Colella, Autodesk’s Executive Vice President of Entertainment and Media Solutions said, “Autodesk has been researching AI technology for over a decade and we have integrated a number of AI tools into existing M&E products. However, we have not yet developed a solution similar to Wonder Dynamics, so this acquisition will perfectly complement our current AI research.”

Regarding the near future, Ms. Colella said that “Our top priority is succession.” This means users don’t need to worry about major changes like switching to a new account or completely rebranding. Of course, if you’re a fan of Wonder Studio, you’re likely familiar with Autodesk’s Maya software.

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